Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Points to ponder ....

Here I am with my first blog. (Technically this was my first post : 1 2 3 testing ...
Need to do some tests before i start writing ...).

Few reasons for being so late in joining the world of blogs:
1. I could never complete writing about anything that I started.
2. Never felt comfortable with the idea of putting my thoughts out there in the open.
3. What about spelling and grammatical errors!!!
4. Never was good at writing....

But now here i am. And why am I here? Because :
1. I don't care if I don't complete a post. I can always come back.....
2. Only the chosen few know who I am.
3. & 4. Don't give a damn about them now (mainly because of 2 above).
5. Its a good place to collect my thoughts. I have tons of notepad files on my machine and i have never gone back to complete my thoughts. Here, I might come back.........

(and unlike mr amolratna, i don't plan to keep track of how many dots (.....) i put after the end of a sentence.......;);))

For now I will just list down the topics i plan/hope to write about, and maybe a few lines about them. Maybe amol or parul can complete them.
  • Define right and wrong, good and bad, true and false:
    Summary: (I guess I should have mentioned this before: "Look at the tag line in the blog title. Its a quote by Plato (I think) and conveys the idea to follow) Its all relative. eg. killing is ok if you are on a battlefield else you can rot in jail, its okay to listen to pirated music or watch pirated movies but its not right to steal a car......the list goes on. recently i thought i might be able to define (those attributes) based on logic, which brings me to the next post.
  • Man (and woman too) is not a rational being:
(Now how do i go back one line ?? (like i did for the first bullet) .........) main point, we don't have time to think logically before we take any action (we would be robots otherwise....... first guy i remember getting this from was the author - Nassim Nicholas Taleb in "fooled by randomness.....") , there are things we love/enjoy doing and we don't care about the consequences ...... eg. people smoke, even though they know that its harmful....sometimes our actions are guided by history and sometimes we forget about the history....(AND now how do i go back to the original font? man this is difficult than i thought....) , people cry while watching movies .......again the list goes on.....
But can people logically analyze themselves or their actions to justify them consistently (according to their own standards)? Or is there a need to justify any of the actions? Should we have a "consistent" reason to do what we do? i guess yes, yes and no...... will come back to this later.....

  • Religion and god and all that "crap"
  • terrorism: india-kashmir, bombay and the rest, 9/11, iraq, UK, israel - palestine ........
  • passion to do something
  • comparing life in US to that in india..... can we take something good from one and put it in the other.
  • what's going on in india: decline of democracy vis-a-vis (i always wanted to use that in a sentence :) ) "parzania", "da vinci code" , "fanaa", "the satanic verses" - actually the philosophy behind those.
Done for today. will come back some time soon .................